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HERbeat Japan

The voices and stories of women have rarely been discussed within our history of taiko. But nowadays, it is said that more than half of the world’s taiko drumming population

is said to be female.
To celebrate the achievements of female taiko drummers,
an innovative concert

and project called HERbeat was put together by Jennifer Weir in Minnesota,

and was performed by some of the most acclaimed female taiko artists from

Japan, U.S., and Canada in February 2020. 
This year, the Japanese cast of HERbeat has reunited

as a special ensemble for the WTC concert.

~HERbeat OURbeat~

When the world was born,

The long years of humankind were woven together.

When the world turn dark of natural disasters,

The drum resounds, the voices are raised, we breathe in life, and we step to dance, 

As the warriors of the rainbow give thanks and pray to Mother Earth.

 Resounding to our future, ONEbeat 


Chieko Kojima (Kodo Taiko Performing Arts Ensemble) / Taiko and Dance

Kaoly Asano (GOCOO) / Taiko

Mayumi Hashimoto (Kirishima Kumen Taiko Hozon Kai) / Taiko

Mizue Yamada (DIA+) / Taiko

Anna Sato / Amami singer

Awa / Shinobue

Image from iOS.jpg
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©World Taiko Conference Committee 

Presented by:  World Taiko Conference Committee

Website photos courtesy of:

Nippon Taiko Foundation, North American Taiko Conference, European Taiko Conference Organizer

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