Eitetsu Hayashi
After 11 years of performing in a group, Eitetsu started performing solo in 1982. In 1984, he debuted at Carnegie Hall as the first Japanese taiko drum soloist and gained international acclaim. In 2000, he performed with the Berlin Philharmonic in Waldbühne, Germany, and overwhelmed an audience of over 20,000. Since then, he has performed with many symphony orchestras and artists of different genres worldwide.
Eitetsu has pioneered the field of traditionally unprecedented taiko solos, including the Odaiko solo techniques and the creation of original techniques using a set of multiple taiko drums. He has developed a new genre of "Taiko Music" to be transmitted from Japan to the world, and is active in Japan and overseas. In 2018, he performed 6 concerts in 4 cities in the Japan-Canada Friendship 90th Anniversary Tour in Canada and in October performed in the official performance of the Japan-France Friendship 160th Anniversary Japan Expo “Japonisum 2018”. This year, he worked for production and recording as a concept video production staff for the “Tokyo 2020 NIPPON Festival”.
Eitetsu contributes to a large number of large-scale dispatches for introducing Japanese drum music and culture for each International Friendship and Exchange Year for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Relations Foundation, and the Agency for Cultural Affairs.
He has authored many publications, including the newly refurbished version of "Ashitano Taiko Uchie" (Hatori Shoten), autobiography "Taiko Hizuki-Dokuso no Kiseki" (Kodansha), and many other articles in journals and magazines. He has received the 1997 Minister of Education Prize for Arts and Culture, the 2001 Japan Traditional Culture Promotion Award, and the 2017 Matsuo Entertainment Awards.
(LIVE Streamed from the WTC YouTube Channel)
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The matter is being looked into now and we hope will be fixed in the next 24 hours.
We apoologise for the inconvinience caused and we appreciate your patience!
Song Title:"ARAUCÁRIA - of Curitiba"
(Curitiba, Brazil)
"The composition is about a very typical and regional tree in the south of Brazil, called Araucária. I made this tribute to the tree, once I liked this strong and peculiar tree, which can survive Curitiba City's crazy temperature variation on the same day, where it rains, warms up, cools down...Even with these big changes, an Araucaria can keep standing upright and beautifully."
Composed by : J. Saemi Murakami
Music files (play& download)
Hashtag(s) : #WakabaTaiko #BrazilianTaiko #Araucaria #CuritibaCity #TaikoMusic #TaikoComposition #SaemiMurakami #MusicLover #TaikoLover #BrazilJapan
Music Score (download)
How to Apply:
Select 1 of the 3 topics.
Film and edit your video yourself.
The video must be no longer than 10 minutes.
Multiple language support is recommended (Japanese and English).
(Please provide translations or subtitles yourself.)
In addition to the above , please also provide the following and send via email
Include your name, e-mail address and location (ex. Japan: Tokyo, America: California, etc.).
Thumbnail (if available)
Texts for the details section of your video (up to around 200-word count for English, 400 word count for Japanese)
If video is large, please send through a file transfer service(e.g. gigafile, Dropbox, WeTransfer)
Any websites or Social media accounts related to your talk that we can share
Deadline extended until November 14th (Sat) JST*
*Japan Standard Time
We may not publish your video if we find the content to be inappropriate.
Video content is the responsibility of the contributor. The WTC Committee will not take any responsibility for the content.
All published videos will be available to the public through the WTC YouTube account. Please be mindful of copyrights for the materials used before submitting. If you prefer us to use a video link already published for public viewing (for example if it already up on YouTube), please include this in your submission.
Submission instructions:
Please send the following to wtctokyo@gmail.com.
Song title
Song description (if available)
1 photo (either of you or your group/ something that relates to the submitted piece)
Video or audio file (will be introduced on the WTC Youtube account)
Music score (if available)
E-mail address (as contact info for whoever that would have questions about your piece)
Social media accounts (for social media tags)
Hashtags that you prefer to use for future enlistments of the piece on social media
Video thumbnail picture ( if available)
DEADLINE for submission has been extended until Nov. 14 (Sat) ( Japan Standard Time).
各講座紹介 :
【東北の芸能:鹿踊】 講師:小岩秀太郎
東京鹿踊(とうきょうししおどり)TOKYO SHISHI-ODORI
「東京鹿踊」は、2013 年 6 月、首都圏在住の岩手県一関市舞川地区の出身者(行山流舞川鹿子躍伝承者)と、郷土芸能のポテンシャルを信じる有志を中心に結成。300 年受け継がれてきた東北の芸能「鹿踊」を、国際都市東京で「今」をいきるものたちが踊る。 この活動は、鹿踊を通して、2つの地域/過去と未来/人と人を繋ぎつつ、芸能が存在してきた意義と、日本の芸能の未来・可能性を探るプロジェクトである。 多国籍・多世代・多分野にも対応したワークショップや、芸能風土を旅する体験・場づくり・モノづくりをプロデュースしつつ、芸能を通した地域や人との継続的な関わり方や魅力発信に挑戦している。
【三宅太鼓】 講師:津村明男
津村明男(父)・和宏(長男)・秀紀(次男)・春快(三男)で構成。打ち抜く太鼓の魅力を広めるため、新宿にスタジオを構え1都1府17県で指導を行う。また、国内外での公演活動に加え、海外では、アメリカのロサンゼルスに拠点を置き、オーストラリア・シンガポール・ニュージーランドにも教室を持ち、指導に当たっている。父と子の一族だけでの活動は 世界で唯一の存在。今年で70才を迎える明男と、三兄弟の打ち込む太鼓は、「聞き手の身体に音を入れる」演奏を追求し、更なる進化を続ける。
【祭囃子】 講師:増田勝明・宮岸良英
【助六太鼓WS】 講師:今泉豊