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WTC 2020

We have a variety of taiko speakers from across the globe!

Watch, learn, and join us with YOUR story!

WTC Premium Talks

About WTC Premium Talks:

We will be releasing videos of a special lecture and exclusive WTC talks on 3 topics by guest speakers in various fields whose stories you rarely get to hear! They will speak about the possibilities and challenges of taiko from their own perspectives. Please stay tuned!


Scheduled Video Release Date: Early November

Special Lecture

Taiko by Eitetsu Hayashi

Eitetsu Hayashi is a pioneer taiko soloist who has given many historic performances throughout the world. Through his unique stage expression and appearances with numerous leading artists, he has spread the existence of staged taiko worldwide. Furthermore, his performance style has become the standard in the world of taiko; his impact is immeasurable. In this Premium Talk, we take a closer look at these taiko expressions by Eitetsu Hayashi.

Topic 1


Taiko as an Expression on Stage: Its Development and Future

Roughly half a century since the creation of the form of taiko known as "kumi-daiko," it has become common for performances to take place in theater halls for an admission fee; however, it is rare for these expressions to be critiqued in the same manner as other performing arts, such as classical music, ballet, kabuki, and Noh, and it would be difficult to say that taiko is regarded in similar esteem as a genre of performing arts. In this Premium Talk, we discuss the development of taiko as a performing art along with the possibilities and challenges of further development.

Akitoshi Asano
Akitoshi Asano

Ishikawa Prefecture / The Asano Foundation for Taiko Culture Research

Franco Imperial.png
Franco Imperial

U.S.A / San Jose Taiko

Daigoro Asuka photo
Daigoro Aska

Nara Prefecture / ASKA Japanese Drum

6. Wisa Uemura photo.jpg
Wisa Uemura

U.S.A / San Jose Taiko

Leonard Eto
Leonard Eto

Tokyo Prefecture / Solo Artist

Ian Cleworth.png
Ian Cleworth

Australia / Taikoz

Shogo Yoshii.png
Shogo Yoshii

Kanagawa Prefecture / Solo Artist

Topic 2


Taiko and accessibility: How inclusion connects communities

Many taiko players can attest that the physical and emotional effects of playing taiko often improves other areas of our lives. In an effort to share these benefits with people who have limited opportunities for taiko engagement, groups around the world are discovering effective and innovative methods of promoting inclusivity for individuals of all ages, backgrounds, genders, and abilities. This panel will feature groups who are overcoming accessibility barriers and connecting communities through shared taiko experiences.

Tsuyoshi Yamauchi.png
Tsuyoshi Yamauchi

Shizuoka Prefecture / Fugaku kai

9. Kazuhiko Osawa photo.JPG
Kazuhiko Osawa

Tokyo Prefecture / Nippon Taiko Foundation

Topic 3


The Value of Taiko in Multicultural Societies

The presence of taiko at Japanese festivals has stimulated the region and fostered community bonds. Taiko has also played a role in maintaining and strengthening bonds in communities of Japanese immigrants. The non-verbal understanding produced by taiko enhances social consideration and mutual mindfulness within these communities. This Premium Talk considers the social potential of taiko in modern societies where multiple cultures coexist while tolerance is waning.​

10. Unosuke Miyamoto photo.JPG
Unosuke Miyamoto

Tokyo Prefecture / Miyamoto Unosuke Shoten
Alan Okada

U.S.A(New York)


12. Jennifer Weird photo.jpg
Jennifer Weir

U.S.A/ TaikoArts Midwest

WTC Premium Talks

Taiko Community Video Forum: Share Your Story about Taiko!

Thank you for all of your submissions! The deadline has now passed, and we hope you enjoy all of the wonderful shared contents on the WTC website and Youtube page!


For this forum, we asked everyone to share their thoughts and experiences based on 3 topics below.

We wanted to introduce people around the world to the things that people felt, experienced, and challenged themselves through taiko. Although it has become difficult now to gather and perform taiko together, we hope people around the world can continue to connect through taiko. 

We thank everyone who shared their story!

Topic 1


Taiko as an Expression on Stage: Its Development and Future

What kind of taiko do you picture when you think of taiko as a performing art? The world of taiko is simple yet deep, involving "uchikomi" and "ma," as well as physicality and spirituality. Please share with us a passion that you could go on about all night long.


For example:

  • What is the appeal of taiko that differentiates it from other percussion instruments? Why did you choose taiko? What potential do you see in taiko?

  • "Uchikomi" is one of the attractions of taiko, but what exactly is "uchikomi"? Does it refer to making a large noise? Or is it something beyond that?

  • Taiko was elevated from a local performing art to an act of creativity, and it spread from Japan to the world. What is the relationship between you and taiko, and what role did Japan's culture, which taiko is deeply rooted in, play in that relationship?

  • Share any memorable collaborations or performances, and performance videos as well, of course!

Topic 2


Taiko and accessibility: How inclusion connects communities


The joys and challenges of practicing taiko can lead to personal growth and social connection. As our taiko community develops and shares methods for inclusion, more people are experiencing the positive effects of taiko on our spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. Please share with us your group’s journey of overcoming barriers and establishing new methods to promote accessibility, how inclusive practices bring a sense of empowerment to you and your group, or how engagement with taiko has improved other areas of your life. 


For example:

  • Innovative instruction methods, experiences, and future prospects

  • Experiences and reactions of sharing taiko with people who have not previously had opportunities for engagement

  • Experiences of physical or emotional transformation as a result of playing taiko

Topic 3


The Value of Taiko in Multicultural Societies

Although "community" may not elicit a sense of familiarity, "taiko friends" probably feel very close. Outside of Japan, individual circles of taiko friends are growing beyond the frame of groups. Please introduce yourselves and your groups to "taiko friends" across the world!


For example:

  • Introduce yourself to taiko friends around the world!

  • Talk about your love for local taiko and festivals!

  • How are taiko activities connected to your region?


The taiko community is spreading to various corners of the world. To celebrate the very first World Taiko Conference, let everyone hear your voice! Please introduce yourself and your group to the global taiko community!

Live Talk Sessions

We will have a lineup of international taiko artists to talk live on their perspectives on the topics, based off of the numerous talks that were shown beforehand.  Get excited for the panelist line up because this can only happen at WTC!  

Please look forward to it!

Live Streaming Schedule:

(Japan Stadard Time  +9GMT)

Nov. 21 (Sat)
14:45~15:00                        WTC Opening Session 

15:00~16:30                        Live TALK Topic 3:

                                                                  【 TAIKO and COMMUNITY】 <GLOBAL>
                                                                      The Value of Taiko in Diverse Societiess

19:30~21:00                        Live TALK Topic 3:       

                                                                 【TAIKO and COMMUNITY】 <LOCAL>

                                                                      The Value of Taiko for Community Building


Nov. 22 (Sun)
9:00~10:30   Live TALK Topic 1: 

                                                                 【TAIKO as a PERFORMING ART】
              Taiko as an Expression on Stage: Its Development and Future
12:30~14:00         Live TALK Topic 2: 

                                                                  【TAIKO and INCLUSIVITY】
               Taiko and accessibility: How inclusion connects communities
16:00~17:00         Special Live Talk with Eitetsu Hayashi : WTC Theme Song

17:00~17:15             WTC Closing Session

  • YouTube
Free LIVE  steam from our WTC YouTube Channel!

We will have a lineup of international taiko artists to talk live on their perspectives on the topics, based off of the numerous talks that were shown beforehand.  Get excited for the panelist line up because this can only happen at WTC!  

Please look forward to it!

Live Talk Session schedule will be announced soon!

Special Live Talk: WTC Theme Song

1. Eitetsu Hayashi photo- M.Tominaga.jpg
Eitetsu Hayashi

Tokyo Prefecture/ Solo Artist

Nobuyuki Nishimura.png
Nobuyuki Nishimura

Tokyo Prefecture/NOBU

Topic 1


Taiko as an Expression on Stage: Its Development and Future


1-1 Chieko Kojima photo.jpg
Chieko Kojima

Niigata Prefecture/ Taiko Performing Arts Ensemble Kodo

1-2 Kenny Endo photo.jpg
Kenny Endo

U.S.A./Kenny Endo Taiko Ensemble

Taishi Yamabe.png
Taishi Yamabe

Tokyo Prefecture/ Solo Artist

1-4  Kaoly Asano photo.png
Kaoly Asano

Tokyo Prefecture/ Gocoo

Yoshihiko Miyamoto.png
Yoshihiko Miyamoto

Tokyo Prefecture / Miyamoto Unosuke Shoten

Topic 2


Taiko and accessibility: How inclusion connects communities


2-1 Yeeman Mui (ManMan) photo.jpg
Yeeman Mui

U.S.A. / Taiko Together

2-2 Atsushi Sugano photo.jpg
Atsushi Sugano

Niigata Prefecture/ Kodo Cultural Foundation

2-3 Peter Hewitt photo.jpg
Peter Hewitt

United Kingdom / CCS Taiko


Tsuyoshi Yamauchi.png
Tsuyoshi Yamauchi

Shizuoka Prefecture / Fugaku kai

2-5 Sydney Shiroyama photo.jpg
Sydney Shiroyama

U.S.A. / TaikoIN’


The Value of Taiko in Diverse Societies


Topic 3
GLOBAL Panelists
3-6 Roy Hirabayashi photo.tiff
Roy Hirabayashi

U.S.A. (California)


The Value of Taiko for Community Building

LOCAL Panelists
Yoshitaka Kinoshita

Chiba Prefecture/Narita Taiko Festival

3-11 Asumi Nishida photo.jpg
Asumi Nishida

Chiba Prefecture/College Taiko Association

Junpei Yamada photo.png
Junpei Yamada

Aichi Prefecture/ Yamada Junpei x Nekkyo Dagaku

Tateito Yokoito LLC.

Miyagi Prefecture/ Tateito Yokoito LLC.

3-10 Taizo Kobayashi photo.jpg
Taizo Kobayashi

Shimane Prefecture/ Kobayashi Kobo

3-12 Yui Kamiya photo.jpg
Yui Kamiya

U.S.A., Aichi Prefecture

3-1 Tadashi Hasegawa photo.jpg
Tadashi Hasegawa

Oita Prefecture / Toyo no Kuni Yufuin Genryu Taiko

3-5 Lucas Muraguchi photo.jpg
Lucas Muraguchi

Brazil / Isshin Daiko

3-2 Miaochum Wang photo.jpg
Miaochum Wang

Taiwan / Taiwan Taiko Foundation

3-3 Derek Oye photo.jpeg
Derek Oye

U.S.A./ Taiko Community Alliance

3-4 Jonathan Kirby photo.jpg
Jonathan Kirby

United Kingdom / European Taiko Conference, Kagemusha Taiko

Share Your Story!
Live Talk Sessions
Special Live Talk
Live Talk (Topic 1)
Live Talk (Topic 2)
Live Talk (Topic 3 _GLOBAL)
Liv Talk (Topic 3_LOCAL)
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©World Taiko Conference Committee 

Presented by:  World Taiko Conference Committee

Website photos courtesy of:

Nippon Taiko Foundation, North American Taiko Conference, European Taiko Conference Organizer

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